New and Promising Sciatic Treatment Finding Points to Quick and Effective Sciatic Pain Reprieve

By admin August 22, 2017 Sciatic Treatments

A new sciatic treatment has recently been discovered for fast relief of sciatica. Sciatica is pain in the lower back and gluteus that often radiates down the legs, traveling as far as the feet. It is this radiating of pain below the knee that differentiates sciatica from back pain. Sciatica is so called because it is caused by compression or injury of the sciatic nerve, located in the lumbar portion of the spine. Sciatica is synonymous with sciatic pain and can range from dull to sharp with accompanying sensations of tingling, numbness, or burning. Sciatic pain can also be continuous or intermittent. Sciatic treatment is aimed at eliminating the pain.

Some traditional treatments for your sciatica.

The traditional sciatic treatment has always been bed rest, specific exercises, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or narcotics like codeine which have had limited success. In extreme cases cortisone injections into the spine or surgery is performed. These are the opposite extremes in sciatic treatment. For most people, ibuprofen and bed rest is not enough or even mildly effective while surgery is far too much of a step. A middle ground can be found in some of the newer treatments and techniques.

A treatment for those who are serious about treating their sciatica.

For those looking for a quick and effective solution to their sciatica pain, I highly recommend you check out ‘Treat Sciatica Now’. Check out my review of it right now:
Treat Sciatica Now Review: A Must-Have Book For All Sciatica Suffers

Several doctors have concluded that utilizing massage technique and spinal decompression physical therapy is often a fast and effective sciatic pain treatment. This treatment is conducted either by a physical therapist or a chiropractor utilizing a specialized traction machine.

The traction machine uses computerized motors to apply force to the spine that decompresses the spinal discs. The negative pressure created in the discs pulls herniated discs away from the sciatic nerve while increasing blood flow and nutrient availability to the area. With the new computerized spinal decompression systems, pain during sciatic treatment is a thing of the past as the computers adjust the motors with each response of the body. Therefore, treatment is performed while the muscles are constantly relaxed for maximum effectiveness.

The success of spinal decompression hovers between the 80 to 90 percent range. It will not work for everyone, but 90 percent is one of the highest success rates of any sciatic treatment. If this is an option you wish to pursue, you may want to consult with your physician on cost and viability.

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